The International Congress Indigenous Worlds (COIMI) is a biannual event, created within the framework of the Permanent Seminar Indigenous Worlds - Abya Yala (SEPMIAI) at the Humanities Centre (CHAM / NOVA FCSH-UAC) at the New University of Lisbon, Portugal in partnership with the Federal University of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil between 27 and 28 April 2015. The Indigenous Worlds group of CHAM-UNL implemented the COIMI with the support of the Pablo Olavide University, Seville, Spain, and in 2019 the COIMI was held in Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France. COIMI is a space for reflection and debate on issues linked to indigenous peoples. A collaborative network with national and international scope for interdisciplinary discussions on indigenous peoples of America past and present. In the IV COIMI - ABYA YALA 2023 that will take place in the Universidad del Magdalena, city of Santa Marta, Colombia, it is intended to expand the dialogues between indigenous and non-indigenous researchers, to build a new epistemological, political, decolonial and interdisciplinary paths.

THE V INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON INDIGENOUS WORLDS (COIMI), AMERICA (V COIMI, ABYA YALA): HISTORY, ART, EDUCATION, CULTURE, ANCESTRY AND PERSPECTIVES FOR GOOD LIVING will be held at the Federal University of Roraima from August 20 to 23, 2024. The aim is to broaden dialogues between indigenous and non-indigenous researchers, to build other epistemological, historical, political, decolonial, and interdisciplinary paths on art, education, culture, ancestry, and perspectives for good living.  To broaden the scope of network COIMI has been building the integration of Brazilian universities in northern Brazil, that have consolidated work on indigenous issues. In this event edition, particular importance will be given to the fact that indigenous education, culture, and verbal arts are significant repositories of ancestral knowledge. This knowledge has been, and still is, consistently disregarded by Western epistemologies which, in the colonial and post-colonial periods, excluded them from the epistemological system, as they were considered products "primitive" and "ignorant" peoples considered, whose knowledge inherited negative qualities attributed. As a result, these societies have historically been the objects of Western epistemologies, the only ones considered relevant, and never the subjects of their own epistemes. Nevertheless, the V COIMI aims to be a space for non-hierarchical relations between knowledges, which will allow millenary knowledge of native peoples to be incorporated into the scientific "main stream".
