Thematic Symposia proposals procedures

Thematic symposia can only be proposed by doctoral researchers and doctoral students who, once the ST has been approved at V COIMI, must officially register for the event according to their category. Proposals should be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ST proposals must contain an abstract with a title in bold capital letters, followed by the name of proposer(s), institution(s) of origin, e-mail and WhatsApp contact. The abstract must be written single-spaced, font size 12, between 15 and 20 lines, using the Word for Windows text editor, Times New Roman font, 3 cm margins, without citations and references, justified, in a single block of text, without paragraphs, 1.0 line spacing.

Short courses proposals procedures

The short courses can be proposed by up to two researchers - doctors and doctoral students, masters and master's students - who, once their proposal has been approved at the V COIMI, must officially register for the event according to their category. Proposals should be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Proposals for short courses must include an abstract with the title in bold capital letters, followed by the name of proposer(s), institution(s), e-mail and WhatsApp contact. The abstract must be written single-spaced, font size 12, between 15 and 20 lines, using Word for Windows text editor, Times New Roman font, 3 cm margins, justified, in a single block of text, without paragraphs, 1.0 line spacing. It should also contain a general objective, specific objectives, methodology, teaching resources, basic and complementary bibliography.


Presentations proposals procedures

During registration, the author(s) must indicate the Thematic Symposium in which they will present their work and indicate the modality: Oral Communication or Poster/graduation. Submissions should be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Work registration:

The Thematic Symposia will be spaces for oral presentations of research by master's and doctoral students, as well as master's and doctoral researchers from different areas of knowledge working on indigenous issues. Linked to the STs, there will be poster presentations for undergraduates, graduates and the results of extension projects, as well as the results of institutional actions.


General conditions for submitting a paper: oral communication and poster

  1. Authors and co-authors must be registered for the event.
  2. Authors of papers and posters may register a maximum of 1 (one) paper, either as author or co-author, except when the co-authors are supervisors of undergraduate or postgraduate work.
  3. Advisors who have several students at the event and choose to be co-authors will only need to make a single registration and payment.
  4. In proposals for communications by doctoral and master's students, advisors who are not listed as co-authors in the abstracts must register their institutional guidance in a footnote, either in the abstracts or in the full texts.
  5. In proposals for communications by undergraduates, the supervisors must be co-authors of the abstracts and indicate their institutional affiliation.
  6. In the case of co-authored papers, co-authors must register for the event according to their respective categories.
  7. Papers signed by more than three authors will not be allowed.


Submission instructions

After registration and fee payment all attendees must submit the abstracts. After

Scientific Committee approval of each work will be placed in the appropriate TS. The paper and poster proposals will be published on the event website, initially in the form of a list of accepted papers. On the first day of the event, they will be available in the abstracts book. Only after confirmation of acceptance of the abstract should the full text be sent.

The proceedings with the full texts will also be available in digital form on the website one month after the end of the event when it'll appear with the ISBN registration.


Formatting abstracts

Abstracts must contain a title in bold capital letters, followed by the name of the author and co-author if there is one, the name of the presenter, the institution of origin, funding, and e-mail address. It should be written single-spaced, in font size 12, between 15 and 20 lines, using the Word for Windows text editor, Times New Roman font, 3 cm margins, without citations and references, justified, in a single block of text, without paragraphs, 1.0 line spacing.


Formatting complete papers

Complete papers should be between 10 and 15 pages long, including bibliographical references, as follows: a) Title: capitalized, bold, font (Times New Roman), size 12, centered; b) Name(s) of the author(s): aligned to the right, with the presenter's name underlined. E.g.: SURNAME, Name; c) Institutional link: University Institution, Department of Education, school, or research agency to which the authors are linked. Aligned to the right, without bold; abstract and 4 keywords; d) E-mail: aligned to the right, without bold. Full papers must contain an introduction, development, final considerations or conclusions and bibliographical references in accordance with the rules of the ABNT. The font of the paper should be (Times New Roman), font size 12, A4 sheet and 1.5 line spacing. Top margin 3cm; bottom margin 2cm; left margin 3cm; right margin 2cm. In-text citation: author, date and page.

