The International Congress Indigenous Worlds (COIMI) is a biannual event, created within the framework of the Permanent Seminar Indigenous Worlds - Abya Yala (SEPMIAI) at the Humanities Centre (CHAM / NOVA FCSH-UAC) at the New University of Lisbon, Portugal in partnership with the Federal University of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil between 27 and 28 April 2015.

The Indigenous Worlds group of CHAM-UNL implemented the COIMI with the support of the Pablo Olavide University, Seville, Spain, and in 2019 the COIMI was held in Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France. COIMI is a space for reflection and debate on issues linked to indigenous peoples. A collaborative network with national and international scope for interdisciplinary discussions on indigenous peoples of America past and present.

In the IV COIMI - ABYA YALA 2023 that will take place in the Universidad del Magdalena, city of Santa Marta, Colombia, it is intended to expand the dialogues between indigenous and non-indigenous researchers, to build a new epistemological, political, decolonial and interdisciplinary paths on the subjects: Territories, Territorializations and Indigenous Knowledge/Colombia/2023.

